First the lightning, then thunder, in that order. If God's grace is the lightning, then the thunder is our gratitude. There will be no end to God displaying his grace, so eternity will be filled with gratitude. Lets get a head start on it now.
Lightning and Thunder
November 25, 2008
In Christ, we've got it good. Our past is paid for, and our future is guaranteed, secured in heaven by the promise of God Himself. Eugene Peterson closes his book A LONG OBEDIENCE IN THE SAME DIRECTION with a call to gratitude:
"Charis always demands the answer eucharistia (that is, grace always demands the answer of gratitude). Grace and gratitude belong together like heaven and earth." Karl Barth
"Grace evokes gratitude like the voice an echo. Gratitude follows grace as thunder follows lightning."
"God is personal reality to be enjoyed."
"We are so created and so redeemed that we are capable of enjoying him. All the movements of discipleship arrive at a place where joy is experienced."
"Every step of assent toward God develops the capacity to enjoy. Not only is there, increasingly, more to be enjoyed, there is steadily the acquired ability to enjoy it. Best of all, we don't have to wait until we get to the end of the road before we enjoy what is at the end of the road. So, 'Come, bless the Lord...the Lord bless you!'"
May it be our blessedness, as years go on, to add one grace to another, and advance upward, step by step, neither neglecting the lower after attaining the higher, nor aiming at the higher before attaining the lower.
The first grace is faith, the last is love;
first comes zeal, afterwards comes loving-kindness;
first comes humiliation, then comes peace;
first comes diligence, then comes resignation.
May we learn to mature all graces in us;
fearing and trembling,
watching and repenting, because Christ is coming;
joyful, thankful, and careless of the future, because he is come." John Henry Neuman