Your truth, my truth. That doesn't work very well, does it. God has a truth, and it is the word of God, scripture, the Bible, the holy book. No matter what you call it, it is his word to us. And we need it now more than ever.
The Only Authentic Truth Syrum
December 25, 2008
Who doesn't want to be blessed, as the verse above promises? We all want that. Here is a basic truth that now is seen to be a lie. Truth is not found within ourselves, in spite of the popular belief. We are not the center of the world. Truth does not flow out of our own beliefs and preconceptions. Instead of being subjective and freeflowing and flexible to the times, it is instead the opposite - objective, timeless, unchanging. And, truth be told, the Bible is our GPS of truth, out of which all basic understanding grows, and direction for how to live life is found.
What kind of truth do we see in the Bible? Well...
One, on every page we see that God is in control of events in history, not us. Nothing limits his power. He is sovereign over all human affairs. That is humbling to know.
He is the Creator, and we are his creatures, answerable to him. Our actions have eternal consequences, either good or bad.
Scripture shows us the human heart. It is fallen. It is rebellious. We are free to live our lives as we please, but there are consequences if we do not follow his ways.
We see that God is watcing us continuously, that he cares for us providentially. Nothing escapes his attention, nothing is done in the dark.
God disciplines those he loves. He is committed to our growth. The Bible gives a reason and a context for disappointment and suffering.
This life is not all there is. The fact is that some day we will face God as judge, and will have to answer for the lives we have lived while in the body. There is a right way to live, and a wrong way.
Best of all, we see a God of love, who sacrificed his only Son in order to reconcile us back to him. And the Spirit of God is doing all he can to woo us. We can repent, and turn from our individualism. And blessing results if we do.
For the one who follows God and his ways, an eternity awaits that promises unspeakable joy. For the one who refuses to submit, but would rather make their own way down here, eternal separation from God is their sure lot.
So.....spend some time daily in 09 with your head in the word of God. The Scottish pastor M'Cheyne said that "one calm hour with God is worth a whole lifetime with man. Be as much as you can with God. All other joys are but streams, God is the fountain."
May you be able to say with the Psalmist in 2009: "All my fountains are in you."