Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! (1 Chronicles 16:34)| Walt Harrah
God's Care
Faithful Love
| Walt Harrah
God's name reflects his character. He doesn't love in a vacuum, or in theory. He finds people to show love to. And his mercy results in our salvation, as he continues to lavish grace and favor on us - forever!
Beauty From Ashes
| Walt Harrah
God can redeem anything. He provides streams in the desert, and water from a rock. He can take any situation and bring good out of it.
His Love Endures
| Walt Harrah
God has always been trustworthy, and history is full of His acts of power, and His display of deliverance. And each time He intervenes, praise is the appropriate response.
It Causes Me To Tremble
Walt Harrah
The powerful redemptive work of Christ on our behalf, dying in our place, should move us to tears, it should humble us, and cause gratitude to swell up in us as a result.
Brethren We Have Met To Worship
Walt Harrah (Adapted)
Gathered believers in worship have every right to expect great things from God. This song helps to express such desires, and place them before a gracious, prayer-hearing God.
Christ Arose
Robert Lowry
Jesus died on the cross, but by the power of God's Spirit, he was raised from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father, until the appointed time of his return.
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
Charles Wesley
Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? (1 Corinthians 15:54-55)
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Matthew Bridges
Jesus has completed the work his Father gave him to do. He is triumphant. He is King. He is Lord of all. And he will be throughout all eternity.
In The Lord Alone
| Walt Harrah
Everything we need is found in the Lord. He is the fountain of all true and lasting satisfaction.
The Hope We Have
Walt Harrah
Christian hope is the spiritual gasoline that fuels our faith, and keeps us running with perseverance. A Christian without hope is an oxymoron, like a car with no engine.
Who Is A God Like You
Walt Harrah
God loves to show mercy, and the removing of sin is primarily how he displays that love.
There Is Forgiveness
| Walt Harrah
God is holy, and sin separates us from him. But through the cross, we have forgiveness thorough the blood of Jesus.
The Glory Goes To You
| Walt Harrah
Giving God credit for all that transpires in our lives is the essence of thanksgiving. It's all His doing, not ours.
So Grateful
| Walt Harrah
"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thessalonians 5:18
Shout For Joy To The Lord
Why do we worship the Lord? This song not only calls us to do that, it gives us a number of reasons to awaken our hearts to praise. The new refrain from Psalm 100 asks all the earth to join in the song.
And Can It Be
Charles Wesley
The Wonder of Salvation
Once For All
| Walt Harrah
The sacrificial work of Christ was a one-time-event on the cross. The wrath of God has been satisfied, and there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Think About His Love
| Walt Harrah
A wise person recalls the goodness of God, and how God intentionally loves on us.
We Remember You
| Walt Harrah
The sacrifice of our Lord, highlighted and emphasized in the celebration of communion, elicits praise to our praiseworthy God.
To God Be The Glory
Fanny Crosby
The Good News of the Gospel can't be kept hidden. It must be told, and retold in a thousand ways, with stories of God's faithful love as shown in history, and in our very lives.
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Lightning and ThunderFirst the lightning, then thunder, in that order. If God's grace is the lightning, then the thunder is our gratitude. There will be no end to God displaying his grace, so eternity will be filled with gratitude. Lets get a head start on it now.
Every Reason To Be Thankful
Complaining seems to come naturally, doesn't it? Being thankful is a whole different matter. We have to work at it, knowing that if we are obedient in this, God will get the credit he deserves, and our satisfaction in Him will expand.
Do The Math
Ten lepers, all healed. One returned to give Jesus thanks. Ten percent. You don't suppose that ratio always holds true, do you? Yikes! How can we then foster hearts of gratitude?
Related Worship Scripts
Declare His GreatnessImagine seeing the seventh game of a world series, and the home team wins with a walk off homerun. Now imagine not talking about it - to anyone. That would be strange. Our God is great, and we must boast about him, to each other and the world.
Most Merciful God
God's ability to show mercy when it is undeserved is astonishingly wonderful. He consistently is slow to anger, and always looks for a way to show compassion.
The Goodness Of God
Exaggeration is possible except when it comes to describing our God. His goodness extends to all, but especially to those who are called by His name, for nothing can happen outside His will, or that is not for our ultimate best.