Margaret Clarkson
When we say God is sovereign, we mean that nothing trumphs Him, his purposes can never be thwarted. His power is absolute, and nothing catches Him off guard. This is the ultimate statement of confidence, for who would not worship a God like this?
Arise My Soul
Charles Wesley
When the Bible says "therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus," it means just exactly that. We can live guilt free lives because of what Christ has accomplished.
I Will Not Fear
Walt Harrah
With God on our side, we have an advantage that the world knows nothing of, and His presence means that we can trust instead of fretting. Fear is a warning light that we are not trusting.
Unchanging God
Isaac Watts
Everything around us may change, but the God we worship is immutable. It is not possible for him to improve, age, or morph. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. God will always be faithful. He cannot be anything else.
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